Monday, June 4, 2012

No longer vegetarian?

Some of you may know this already, but I've been a vegetarian for 13 years. It all started when I went to college and realized I didn't have to eat gross things like chicken anymore. From there, I slowly stopped wanting to eat other meats. I never set out to be a strict vegetarian, but the less meat I ate, the more I lost interest in it, until I realized one day that I just didn't want to eat it at all anymore. It's been more than three years since I had meat of any kind. And the last meat I had was, of course, bacon.

But then this showed up with my pancakes yesterday.


But not just any bacon ... the most beautiful bacon I've ever seen!

I took one look at it and said to Andy, "Will today be the day?"

Oh, yes.

It was the day.

I did it!  I ate the bacon. And I loved every second of it. Perfectly cooked. Perfectly thick. And dipped in the maple syrup? Holy moly.

So who knows what this means for my diet. I'm certainly not going to run out and eat a steak ... ever. But maybe there will be another piece of bacon in my future? And maybe I'll have some prosciutto when we go to Italy in the fall? Can you believe I've never even had prosciutto? I hear it's amazing. Might just need to try it out.

In the meantime, I know the bacon at Bonbon is amazing.

xoxo Kerry

1 comment:

  1. Bonbon is amazing! I love the taquitos and the coffee, I'm craving some right now:)
