Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Engagement photo shoot

Way back in October, our good friend Shannon Sullivan of Clubhouse Creative shot some photos of me and Andy to use in our invitation suite, which he designed. (I can't wait to share those photos, too, because everything he designed was completely amazing!)

We knew right away when we got engaged that we wanted our wedding to reflect our individual styles and the things that matter to us, even if those things may not seem to go together really well.  Two of the things we especially wanted to reflect were my love of vintage, especially the '60s, and Andy's love of music. Since Andy plays the drums and I {at one time in my life thought I would} play the ukulele, we decided to pack up our instruments, play dress up, and be our own little band -- so much fun!  We went with Shannon to a park near our house where we found an excluded tree-lined area that made us feel like we were way out in the country. You'll never know we were in the middle of the city here, and there was a football game on the other side of those trees!

I could not be more in love with these photos. I'll never forget what a total blast we had and will enjoy looking at these pictures for the rest of my life. I'm pretty much happy any time I get to dress up silly... and jump like crazy!

Four years of high school cheerleading pays off... No ropes, no photoshopping, no special effects!

LOVE this one!

** I will be posting about my wedding every Wednesday until I run out of photos and things to say. I want to rush ahead and show you everything right now because I love it all so much, but it'll be more fun to stretch it out a little longer.

{ all photos by Shannon Sullivan }

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