Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in review

I took a few minutes and looked through all of my blog posts in 2011 and it was so much fun. I loved remembering all the things we did -- the improvements we made to the house and the great vacations we went on -- and I am so very excited about 2012. I just know it's going to be an amazing year. Since I had so much fun looking through my old photos, I'm going to be much better about blogging regularly this year and documenting our memories.

We started the year out with a challenge to ourselves: cook 52 meals in 2011. At some point I stopped keeping track, but we did it! We could do WAY better, though, and I really hope we do in 2012.

I think all the snow outside was making me daydream about bright colors here, here and here.  I also took you on a tour of my funny little purple guest bath.

We made a few small changes around the house that made a big difference. In the kitchen we replaced the light and drawer pulls, and in the bedroom we got a new bed frame and duvet cover (that I still love!). We also took a trip to San Francisco for Andy's cousin's beautiful wedding.

With snow finally starting to melt away, I was able to get into the yard and do a little spring cleaning and daydreaming about a gorgeous new garage (if only!). We also took a really fun road trip to Detroit for a Red Wings playoff game, and Andy fell in love with hockey.

I joined Pinterest. Life will never be the same! And when I managed to unglue myself from my laptop, I got outside and did a ton of yard work. Also this month, Andy left for a three-week West Coast tour with his band -- 18 states and the van only broke down once!

In June Andy came home! And I even got to join him on tour for a few days. Then we met with two kitchen designers in the hopes of maybe, hopefully, someday getting a new kitchen. But, unfortunately, we weren't in love with any of their ideas, so we put the whole project on hold.

This month we replaced the light fixture in the reading room and hung an enormous clock over the fireplace. Then we celebrated America and sunshine with a bunch of our favorite people.

I didn't do much blogging, but ... WE GOT ENGAGED! So that's better than blogging. We also went on an amazing trip to Toronto (where we got engaged) and celebrated the one year anniversary of our house. Oh, and I had a birthday. Phew, what a month!!

I went full steam ahead with wedding planning in September and started my new Wedding Wednesday posts. I also shared with you some pictures of our dining room and rumpus room -- which has actually changed since then. Looks like time for some new photos!

We tackled the huge and sometimes scary job of painting our entryway while we got ready for Halloween. We also picked our wedding colors and went on a really lovely long weekend trip to Baltimore for my friends' wedding (which apparently I didn't blog about).

I started the month by sharing a day in my life, which was super fun to do. We did a lot of yard work trying to get ready for winter and even did a little cooking.

December was a special month for us. We picked out our first Christmas tree together. We hired a wedding planner and a photographer and our save the dates went in the mail! We took two fabulous vacations in December: Orlando and Christmas in New York. And now we're so excited for 2012!!



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