Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year's Eve wedding inspiration

With New Year's Eve this weekend, I can't help but think about sparkles. I stopped in at the Forever 21 on Fifth Avenue the other day and saw so many ridiculous sequined dresses. Andy and I were talking about what fun it would be to get all dressed up and just sit on our couch together drinking champagne all night. I don't know about you, but I love sparkles. Seriously. Glitter, sequins, I love them. And what if I was planning a New Year's Eve wedding? Well, obviously, I'd pile on the sparkle. The more the better!

Here's what I'd do...

an over-the-top vintage dress in silver...

 a crown of stars...

 fabulous blue glitter shoes...
(one of my bridesmaids is wearing these at my wedding!)

a path of stars...

a sparkly winter table...

 champagne jello...

 a gold sequined cake...

and ending the night with sparklers!

Happy New Year's Everyone!!

Whatever you do, I hope you have a fantastic time. We're going to a friend's house for some low-key hanging out and champagne drinking. I might actually skip the sequins and wear something a little more like PJs! But that sounds pretty fabulous, too, right? Hope yours is great!! 

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