Tuesday, January 22, 2013

30 before 30

In about 30 days I'll be 30 years old. Weird. Kerry did a 40 before 40 list on the blog once, but she gave herself 4 years to do it. I'm giving myself a month to do these things.

Lists like these sort of freak me out. Sometimes you see some and I feel people treat them like bucket lists. "I have to do these things before I turn 30 because otherwise I'll never be able to do them again!" I think that's sort of a bad way to look at it. For me, and I think Kerry feels this way too, it's just a good way to remind yourself to do stuff. As much as I don't like it, I sit on the couch more than I should. So here's a list of some stuff I'm going to do in the next 30 days. And I'll probably keep doing most of them after the next 30 days too. Keep on keepin' on.

I put them in alphabetical order because there is no real order. But it makes me happy that the first one ended up being what it is.

  1. Annoy Trixie
  2. Beat a video game
  3. Buy a circular saw
  4. Call a bank about a loan
  5. Eat a burrito
  6. Eat another burrito
  7. Figure out fantasy hockey
  8. Finalize the Pints and Pints stamp
  9. Find an accordion
  10. Get sample colors and carpet for office
  11. Go ice skating
  12. Go see a movie
  13. Go to a new restaurant
  14. Go to a Red Wings game
  15. Go to LA
  16. Go to the Cleveland Acquarium
  17. Have a Guinness/ice cream float
  18. Have Marotta’s pizza
  19. Karaoke
  20. Make (another) hit YouTube movie
  21. Make a decision about something by flipping a coin
  22. Make an ice cream flavor I haven’t made yet
  23. Make Kerry laugh
  24. Pet Mocha
  25. Ride my bike somewhere
  26. Stay up past midnight
  27. Taste test Graeter’s ice cream in Columbus
  28. Teach Kerry to play a video game
  29. Try a new dinner recipe
  30. Write at least 3 blog posts

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