Friday, December 28, 2012

Holiday snapshots

The holidays are always a whirlwind, right? We had a few frantic days before Christmas going to lots of parties with friends and family, and then we spent a wonderful Christmas morning just the two of us, exchanging gifts (so many good things this year!), drinking bellinis, and watching old Christmas movies before going over to Andy's parents' house for a lovely, relaxing, and casual dinner. What a perfect Christmas. Here's a few snapshots from the last few days.

Posing with Andy's mom's fabulous red tree.

I made coconut macaroons dipped in chocolate for our girls annual cookie (& wine!) party.

Love this colorful window display I saw downtown.

Waiting in line at the post office.

My mom made this ice skates ornament for me, and it means so much to me.

It seemed appropriate for Andy to hang the ice cream cone.

Putting the star on top of the tree.

Mocha was interested in the boxes under the tree.

Christmas morning.

After exchanging gifts, Andy and I had cinnamon bread and bellinis for breakfast.

I gave Andy a sharpened pencil for Christmas. No, really. And he loves it.

A reminder of Italy at Andy's parents' house.

The girls got a teepee for Christmas! So far Trixie seems to be enjoying it.

I kinda can't believe Christmas is over and it's almost 2013 already. What an amazing year this has been.

**Don't forget to sign up to win tickets to the Boutique Bridal Bazaar HERE**

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