Monday, August 6, 2012

Scene Ale Fest

When Kerry was off in Toronto learning all the tips and tricks of Photoshop, I had quite an eventful weekend planned for myself here in Cleveland. On Friday I planned to have a wild night on West 25th Street. Three drinks and one burrito later, I was asleep before 9.

Saturday was the day I was really looking forward to. I had bought tickets to the Scene Ale Fest and was going with some friends. It was a beautiful day and I was ready for the 35 samples of beer I was promised.

The word "sample" should be used loosely, because each serving was at least 6 ounces. Maybe 8. Needless to say, I didn't make it through 35. I think I had 7. But the weather was great and the crowd was surprisingly pleasant. I had suspected that handing out all these "samples" was going to result in quite a drunken mess. Maybe it was because most tents ran out of beer about an hour and a half before the end of the event, but everyone remained in jovial moods. It was a great time.

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