Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Friday

This image by the amazing photographer Alicia Bock reminds me so much of the summer days I spent on the beaches of Lake Michigan growing up. For several summers in a row, my parents rented a cottage in Northport, Michigan on the lake for a month and I'd spend my days swimming, riding my bike into town to get ice cream, and hanging out at the beach. It's where I have some of my happiest, most carefree memories. Alicia's photos have such an ethereal, airy quality that makes me instantly happy and nostalgic, and I could spend all day looking at them. I recently bought an iPhone case that features one of Alicia's photos of a boat named Mathilde (it's so "Moonrise Kingdom" right?). Check out more of Alicia's work on her website here and her Etsy shop here. The photo above is available here.

What do you have going on this weekend, friends? I want to keep working on my bedroom and office and finally get those rooms feeling a little more put together. The furniture is there, but rooms are about so much more than furniture, right? Layer, layer, layer. Besides that, I have every intention of eating as much as possible from all of the amazing local restaurants at Taste of Tremont, and spending a fair amount of time on the couch doing absolutely nothing. Ahh, heaven.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


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