Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy Friday with a side of ice cream

I love this work by Chris Silas Neal. Maybe I just love everything to do with ice cream. And you know what? That's my plan for the weekend: eat ice cream.

There's some other things to do -- like cleaning out my closet (it seriously takes me 10 minutes every morning to dig through my pile of shoes to find two that match, any two), and watching Andy play dodgeball (yes, for real), and packing for my trip to Toronto for BlogShop (just booked a room at a fabulous hotel and can't wait!). Tonight we're going to see the new Batman movie and I'd like to check out Art in the Petit Parc.

If you do anything this weekend, please make sure you take a few minutes to read this interview with Iris Apfel. She's amazing and hilarious and I want to be her when I grow up.

Did you see this picture of my grandma? She was also so spunky and funny and stylish.

Maybe this weekend I'll just eat ice cream in bed and admire my new curtains. Oh, that sounds great.

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