Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Can I still be inspired by weddings when I'm already married?

Ever since my own wedding, I have been trying to avoid seeing photos of any other weddings. I moved all of the wedding blogs on my google reader to a folder I avoid (over 300 unread posts). I stopped watching the wedding shows on TV (I miss you David Tutera). I am terrified that I'll accidentally see something amazing that would have been perfect for us, and I'll think, ugh I wish I would have thought of that! What if I see something that is, eek, better than what I did?? I don't know how the wedding bloggers do it. I'd want to have a million re-dos to try a million different dresses and cakes and decorations. I know it's completely silly and I feel really ridiculous to admit it out loud. 

Well, it happened. Sort of. 

Yesterday I was flipping through twitter and saw these photos of the cutest wedding couple that totally stopped me in my tracks. Ugh, that dress!! It's so cute!! 

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't regret ANYTHING about my own wedding and I still think it was the perfect wedding FOR US and I wouldn't change it AT ALL (except maybe my shoes... yikes those weren't comfortable!). But seeing how adorable this wedding is, maybe I'm ready to start looking at wedding blogs again and enjoying all the gorgeous photos and great ideas. 

But I'll admit, I didn't have the guts to read about this wedding yet. I just looked at the pictures. Small steps.

{ all photos and more on Green Wedding Shoes }
{ all photos by Love is a Big Deal }

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