Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Friday

Happy Friday, everyone!
What do you have planned for this weekend? I'm going to work on putting my new office together. OR finish painting my bedroom. OR do some yard work. OR most likely I'll do nothing around the house and instead will cheer on my friend Ann and all the brunettes at the Blondes vs. Brunettes charity football game, and have a couple drinks at my friend Ryan's Dirty 30 birthday party... It's no fun to be inside doing house work when it's hot and sunny out!

For your reading pleasure this weekend, here's some awesome things I saw this week that I wanted to share with you... 
 These links are both courtesy of my friend Shana who always finds the best things.

And, on a completely different and not at all funny note, my friends Wendy and Brian and their little girl Elliott need your help. This story makes me cry every time I read it. So scary.
... and company

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