Monday, May 14, 2012

Week of the wedding

Less. Than. A. Week.

I will wake up five more times and then get married. 


I woke up paralyzed with fear over the weekend. Not because I have any concerns whatsoever about the actual marriage part. My feet are nowhere near cold when it comes to that. But the wedding. Holy moly, the wedding. Did we do enough? Will there be enough flowers? Did I buy the right dress? Did I make enough decorations? Did we order enough cupcakes? Did we forget something? What about those flowers? It's the most important day of your life, so no big deal, right?



But then I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. Does any of that matter? We're getting married. This week. And when it's all said and done, the flowers and the dress and the tablecloths just don't matter. We're going to spend an entire day with the people we love most in the world, all in one room for the only time probably ever, and then I'm going to get to spend the rest of my life with my favorite person on earth. So who cares if the decorations aren't perfect or if the cake stand that Target back ordered doesn't get here in time*? We're getting married!!

This week!

And if something goes horribly wrong, at least the alcohol is already paid for.

*But actually, Target, if you're reading this, you have four days to get that cake stand to me or I will be SO MAD AT YOU!  I promise.

{ photo of us by rad photographer. there's more here. }

1 comment:

  1. I'm very excited and I know everything will be amazing! Congratulations!
