Friday, January 20, 2012

Let's polka

Isn't this little girl wearing polka dots and striped tights adorable? I'm pretty sure this just proves that dots are timeless -- and go with anything.

( image via OldPhotoShop )

I hope you all had a great week! But what's up with this weather? 60 degrees on Tuesday and now 16 degrees and a giant pile of snow? I'm sick of winter already, all three days of it. Otherwise it was a good week around here. We did a ton of talking about the wedding and made of ton of decisions. We saw the very first rough draft of our invitations yesterday, and I am soooo excited about them. I'm not giving away any secrets here... but they're going to be awesome. This weekend we may take a little drive down to Columbus to do some wedding suit shopping and ice cream eating. And that's it. Weddings weddings ice cream weddings... My life in a nutshell (and I love it).

Here's some of my favorite finds this week:

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