Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's a Harry Potter Wedding!

Did you figure it out?

We're visiting Harry Potter in Florida!

And I have the perfect thing to share with you: Harry Potter wedding inspiration! Since Andy and I are pretty big Harry Potter fans, I've been asked a few times if we're having a Harry Potter-themed wedding, and the answer is a big fat absolutely not. Now don't get me wrong; I like a wedding that doesn't take itself too seriously. But a Harry Potter theme could go so very, very wrong so very, very easily... bride and groom in Gryffindor robes, anyone? 

But Green Wedding Shoes featured a styled shoot that really gets it right.  With a pretty, modern wedding dress and just the right touches, this is how to take a wedding theme from kiddie embarrassing to sophisticated grown-up. The key is keeping it more "inspired by" than "dramatic reenactment." Save the wizardry for Halloween.

I suggest you make yourself a Butterbeer Latte and sit back to enjoy these photos.

 The drink table featured some Hogwarts favorites, like Polyjuice Potion and Pumpkin Juice.

The dining table is really pretty and perfectly subtle with a rich purple runner and touches of moss.

 The escort cards are my favorite touch: antique keys hanging from tree branches.

What do you think? Would you ever go for a themed wedding like this? Do you think it can be done well? Or did you walk down the aisle in Gryffindor robes and think I'm a huge jerk?

{ Styled by Bree and photographed by Abby Grace  Check out more pictures at Green Wedding Shoes. }

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